The Cabbage-Patch Fairy- Introduction to Strange Films

    In 1896, Alice Guy- Blaché wrote, directed, and edited her first film, The Cabbage Fairy. She even starred in the film as the fairy. In the movie, a fairy is in a field of cabbages and pulls babies out to set them on the ground where the camera can see them. Since this is one of the first films ever made, it is short, has no dialogue, and is shot from one camera angle. The cinematography is lacking because of how old it is, as there is no change in scenery. In current years, most people find this film weird and confusing but in a way, that can be said about modern films made today as well. You could probably rack your brain for a deeper meaning like audiences do nowadays with "strange" films.

    An example of a modern film that can be seen similarly is The Menu (2022). This film is about a strange, prestigious restaurant with a head chef who takes his craft a little too seriously. Weird things happen throughout the whole movie that audiences have a hard time interpreting. This includes a chef killing himself in front of the customers, the chef chopping a customer's finger off, and of course the ending where they are all got burned alive in a "smores"-like-ritual. The movie can be seen as bizarre but could also be seen in a deeper sense. A possible conclusion that can be drawn is how talent and success can turn into madness. The Cabbage Fairy can be seen as bizarre and some can conclude that the film helped influence strange films in our modern world.

    Films from such an older time normally leave a bad taste in my mouth, with the weird plot PLUS the underdevelopment of editing tools. The fact this film is silent, black and white, and almost grainy, it gives the film such an eery feeling. This is the case with most films from early filmmaking. I don't especially love it because it doesn't fill me with the desired feeling I pursue in watching movies. I am able to identify when watching these early films how far filmmaking has come overtime. We had to start somewhere!


  1. It is cool to see one of the first ever films, and obviously we can't expect a whole lot from it but to me this film was just really weird. I didn't understand why she was pulling babies out the ground and I feel like she could've put them back down more gently. Nevertheless it was cool to see one of the first ever films.

  2. Yes, when you say, "I am able to identify when watching these early films how far filmmaking has come overtime. We had to start somewhere!" YES!

    I WORSHIP your connection made between The Cabbage Fairy and The Menu. Perfection.


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